New members are always very welcome. Previous experience is not necessary – it is enthusiasm that counts! The first point of contact is our Chairman, Lee Power.
He can be contacted by email at:

Chorus Members:
There are no formal auditions for the chorus although new members will be asked to sing in private to the musical director so he can make sure they are in the right voice part. Chorus roles requiring movement or dancing may be subject to assessment.

Potential Principals:
Auditions are held for solo parts. Auditions are now open to non-members – although anyone who is given a part will have to become a member! Audition pieces are available in advance from our Secretary.

Anyone interested in working back stage, front of house, costumes, make-up etc, please contact our Chairman in the first instance. We will be delighted to hear from you!

Under 16s:
We cast people of all ages in our shows and encourage young people to apply to join the Society. However, not all our productions will suit those under 16. Any under 16s who do perform with us will be chaperoned during performances.

Our rehearsal evenings for chorus members are Mondays from 7.45pm to 10pm up to Christmas then
Monday and Thursday evening up to the show in February, with one or two additional rehearsals on Sunday afternoons. Principals rehearse on Thursday evenings (and Mondays when required). Rehearsals are held at Moss Lane School, Godalming.  Click here for map.

Our Social Side:

We are a very sociable Society with lots of members having been in the society for many years. We have a dedicated Social Committee who are solely focussed on GOS social events, including our Summer Walks which take place in July and August to replace the singing rehearsals on our regular Monday evenings. All prospective newcomers are welcome to join us for the Summer walks – a good way to get to know our friendly members and really find out what it’s like to be in the Society. To find out more, get in touch with Charlotte, our Membership Secretary :

Members of the cast taking a break and having a friendly natter during the interval of Iolanthe 2016 in the Leatherhead Green Room.